Spring is here! As soon as the season comes around, lots of families take part in some sort of spring cleaning. It’s an awesome way to keep your house in check, see the things you need, and stock up on essentials. If you’re thinking about cleaning your home this season, you can make an even bigger difference by turning this ritual into a donating tradition. While you clean up your closets, storage, and pantry, don’t forget to check for well-loved items that other people can still use!
Whether it be clothing, linens, household goods, appliances, or food items, there’s an organization out there that could benefit from the things you have at home. Let’s dig in and learn more about these Orange County nonprofits and how they take care of people in need!
Crime Survivors, Inc.
Website: crimesurvivors.org
Phone Number: 844-853-HOPE
Dropoff Location: Physical on Request

For over thirteen years, Crime Survivors has been assisting individuals and their families that have been victimized by crimes by providing hope and healing. They help through giving resources, information, and empowerment from the critical time after a crime occurs. They want survivors of murder, attempted murder, domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, child abuse, elder abuse, and human trafficking to thrive amidst adversity.
The nonprofit organization is accepting a variety of items that you may have lying around at home and not in use. They’re looking for office supplies like staplers, hole punchers, copy paper, office desks and chairs, and filing cabinets. They are also in need of school supplies such as backpacks, no. 2 pencils, ball pens, crayon boxes, notebooks, and school uniforms. General items like laundry supplies, kitchen items, sleepwear, and linens are also very much appreciated. Refer to this page for a full list of things they need.
Please give them a call or contact them via info@crime survivors.org to arrange a pickup or drop-off for all your donations.
Women Helping Women
Website: whw.org
Phone Number: (949) 631 2333
Dropoff Location: 2803 McGaw Avenue Irvine, CA 92614
Dropoff Hours: Fridays, 11 AM – 3 PM

Women Helping Women has been helping victims of domestic violence, the homeless, refugees, parolees, and the working poor since 1993. They aim to help those in need become self-sufficient and secure good-paying jobs. They provide a professional clothes closet as well as one-on-one job search assistance, employment readiness webinars, and other resources.
The organization would love to have professional clothing for both men and women. They are accepting suits, blazers, slacks, khaki pants, dresses, and dress shirts. Accessories such as handbags, briefcases, belts, jewelry, cufflinks, and watches would also help them dress people for success. They are also accepting hygiene and unused/sealed makeup products. Visit this link for more information on in-kind donations.
You may visit their Donation Center on Fridays, 11 AM to 3 PM to drop off your donations.
Habitat for Humanity of Orange County
Website: habitatoc.org
Phone Number: (714) 434-6200
Dropoff Location: Habitat ReStore Orange County locations here.

If you have some leftover construction supplies from a previous home build or renovation project, Habitat for Humanity of Orange County would be happy to receive your donations. They are dedicated to eliminating substandard housing by constructing, rehabilitating, and preserving homes. They also advocate for fair and just housing policies and they provide resources and training to help families improve their shelter conditions.
They are looking for building materials such as doors, lamps, power tools, new flooring, windows, and lumber. They are also accepting furniture, artwork, paintings, vases, and other decor items. Clean, working appliances used for less than seven years are also welcome. Check out this page for the full donation guidelines.
You may contact them at their hotline or send photos of your intended donations to [email protected] to see if the items will be accepted.
Laura’s House
Website: laurashouse.org
Phone Number: (949) 361 3775
Dropoff Location: 999 Corporate Dr., Suite 225 Ladera Ranch, CA 92694

Laura’s House is the only state-approved comprehensive domestic violence agency in South Orange County that provides residential shelter services, transitional housing, counseling, workshops, and legal services to abused women, men, and children. They have assisted over 55,000 individuals for over 24 years.
They are currently accepting only new, unopened items. Their most urgent needs are cleaning supplies, rice and slow cookers, alarm clocks with radios, and white beddings. They are also in need of children’s clothing, office supplies, adult clothing, and hygiene items. Check out this page to see the full list of items in their wishlist.
Gently used clothing donations are still accepted and will be directed to their Resale Store. To know more about this, contact Erin Baldwin, Resale Store Manager at [email protected].
Pickup Please
Website: pickupplease.org/orangecounty
Dropoff Location: Pickup Service via pickupplease.org/donation-pickup/

Pickup Please by Vietnam Veterans of America is one of the largest donation programs in the country and luckily, their services are available here in Orange County. The donations you make help sustain the families of American veterans as well as local, state, and national programs of the VVA.
They accept a wide variety of donations which is perfect if you have plenty of stuff to let go of from your spring cleaning. From clothing, books, electronics, equipment, and small furnishings, the service would be happy to pick up your items. Just take note that their only rule is that donations must be small and light enough for one person to easily lift and carry. Check out this link to see a full list of items they are accepting.
You may schedule pick-ups easily from your computer or mobile device. Just go to their scheduling page and enter your zip code. They can pick up your donations as quickly as 24 hours after you pick a date and time.
That’s the list of local charities you can help. We hope you can extend your hand in whichever way you can. Good luck with your spring cleaning!
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